Amed medical furniture manufacturer is located in the city of Cherkasy.
Currently, we are the largest manufacturer of laboratory and medical furniture in Ukraine designed and equipped exclusively for specialized furniture production.
The quality management system is ISO 9001:2015 certified and meets the requirements of the standard.
The furniture manufacturing process is fully automated and excludes any errors that may emerge in course of manual labor. It is continuously improving due to modernization of the equipment, replacement and introduction of the updated technological regimes, utilization of the new raw materials and supplies.
The full cycle production makes it possible to do without the broker services, which substantially upgrades the quality of the readymade products and speeds up production processes.
The experts of the Technical Control Department are continuously managing the quality of the manufactured goods, as well as overseeing compliance with the manufacturing process regulations at every stage and at all production segments.
The Company has its own primary and secondary warehouse areas allowing comfortable storage of the products, incessant maintenance of the furniture stocks, and prompt delivery upon request.